2014 was a nice year. It’s been a calm and resourcing year, except for a ridiculously large amount of misadventures with our cars (we had 4 cars over the year, never two at the same time… and we finally ended up with a 1997 Tercel that is working quite fine so far). I haven’t done anything spectacular, I worked and knit almost everyday, met with friends a lot, visited New York for the first time, and spent way too much time at the dog park, procrastinating and chatting with nice people (and nice dogs)! Overall, it was simply a nice year in my life.
On the crafty side, it’s been a wonderful year. I published 11 patterns, 3 of them are published in Interweave magazines. I’m trying to include more designing on my schedule and I plan on reducing my day job time. I don’t have the guts nor the will to jump full-time in a design career but if I feel like it could be possible to eat decently I’m not rejecting the idea. Over 1000 persons started following me on Facebook in 2014 and this is incredible! I love how it makes it so easier for me to reach people who likes my work. Many thanks to all of you, you have no idea what it means to me.
2014 have been a great year for my knitting needles too. I made a lot of projects and I had a lot of fun working on all of them. Just for fun, here’s what they look like all together!
- Humpty Bunny © Interweave Press
- Fraise
- Veste Sylvania © Interweave Press
- Chapeau Crocus
- Bandeau Médaillon
- Ourson au feutre à l’aiguille
- Arrowrap scarf
- Doncaster Stole
- Blueberry Fields Cardigan
- Silky Fairy Shawl
- Chapeau XOXO
- Col Rustique
- Col Rustique, prise 2
- Écharpe éternelle pour Carole Ann
- Petit châle simple toujours sans nom…
- Pantoufles pour mon papa
I wish you a wonderful new year! May it be warm and yarny, colourful and cozy!