Last weekend has been a nice and cozy winter weekend just like the ones I love. I worked not more than 15 minutes, which is a record since November. I’ve been knitting like crazy, had some good times with friends and with my lovely husband and my lovely pets. When I manage to sit here and enjoy my happiness (it’s not happening often enough but I’m really working on it), all the little things that makes me smile seems to become little gifts.
- Friday, I published my finally named Country Song Shawl. People seems to like it! It always boost my self-esteem when I release a pattern and it gets a nice amount of “favorites” and some sales on Ravelry.
- Zora loves yarn as much as I do. I said it before but it turned out to be even more true than what I thought at first: she’s a monster (but the cutest kind of monsters). I found my cardigan laying on the floor and the yarn all over the living room twice, just on Friday. I know it doesn’t sound like a little pleasure but instead of scolding her I took my camera and got pretty cute pictures.
- Saturday, I went to my favorite buttons store, Rubans Boutons, to get buttons for my cardigan. Not only they have the nicest choice in Montreal, but they also have the best service, friendly and helpful. I found exactly what I had in mind if not better and the store owner recognize me as a regular customer which made me very happy.
- Had dinner with Sophie and Robert, then Sophie and I spent the evening knitting and chatting.
I wanted to show you the cardigan, but someone didn’t wanted to…
- I finished knitting my cardigan, I was running out of yarn and I planned to skip the last four rows. After complex calculations, I decided to knit one more row, crossing fingers to have enough yarn for the bind off. I finished with one just yard over!
- Sunday, I went to one of my favorite LYS with my friend Karine who’s about to start her second project. We didn’t knew before we got to the store but there was a big sale going on! I got some nice super soft alpaca for a hat and a decadent skein of Julie Asselin yarn in the exact color I wanted. I’ve been lurking her yarns for a long while, I’m already planning to turn it into a shawl, I can’t wait to cast on!
- There’s been a huge snowstorm. I played with my dog Alie in the snow. I don’t know who enjoyed it the most.
- I casted on a hat with my new yarn. I love my (ridiculously) big stash but it often deprives me from the pleasure to work with a yarn I just got. I guess I should learn to buy smarter but it will be another year’s resolution!
I wish you a lot of sweet little everyday pleasures like these ones. They make life so much enjoyable!
The Comments
I love that Julie Asselin yarn! I can’t wait to see the shawl you design and as always, I’ll be available to test if you need it 😉
Thanks for sharing the photos of Zora and a hint of the cardigan. I need to see what kind of button stores are here, I’ll start with the farmer’s market and go from there…
LayliYou’re the best! And you’ll be the first to know when the pattern is ready, it’s the next next next pattern I’ll be testing (cardigan first, then an infinity scarf and then the shawl) so you can expect to wait… let’s see… 10 years? 😉 Just joking, I hope it will be ready to test sometimes in April or May, I’m already halfway through the knitting!
I’m so jealous of your farmer’s market, I would spent my weekends there if I found one near Montreal!
GabrielleOoh, another infinity scarf? I could say I have enough already but I think we both know that will never happen. I could have 50 and I would still see a pattern and go “I NEED THAT!”
I’m always available to look over the pattern even if I have no time to test it, you know that 🙂 That cardigan is going to need buttons so depending on how big they need to be I might be able to convince J to make some for me with a branch by cutting slices of the branch then sealing them and drilling holes for me to fasten them. He wants to make coasters for the living room like that so I think he’ll be happy for another project 😉
LayliYep, another infinity scarf! I have a wall of scarves here, just behind my desk… But you know, scarves are so delicious, I love them so much, I can’t stop making scarves!
Branch buttons are so pretty! I hope J will make some for you! I can’t wait to see your cardigan (if I can finish the pattern…)