The weather is great and the sun is shining on the other side of my office window. The trees on my street and yellow and glowing. And on my side of the window, I think I shine a little too.
I just published the pattern I was talking about a few days ago, Plumage. It’s a scarf made out of short-rows that looks like multicolor feathers. 1h30 later, this pattern beats all of my sale records! People seems to think it’s pretty, original, fun to knit and very useful to go stash-busting on small yarn leftovers. I’m very happy to see that it catches people eyes so much!
My second reason to shine is that I FINALLY can talk about my pattern that will be publish in the next issue of Jane Austen Knits (Fall 2013)! I received my digital copy of the magazine and I can say that it is filled with very lovely knits! My pattern, Falling Hearts, is published under the Garden section. It’s a delicate shawl made with lace yarn. The pattern looks like hearts falling on the bottom of the shawl (you’ll need some imagination to see it though).
The magazine will be in the newstand in early November, just in time for my birthday (my 30th birthday by the way… brrr…)
I made this version for my friends Luc and Virginie’s wedding. (I was a bridesmaid. And I must brag at every occasion!)
And this is the published version!