I discovered a new hobby. Yes, another one! I just started needle felting. Last Christmas I bought myself a small beginner kit and I never had time to really look at. I don’t have much work these days so I told myself that it was the best time to open that Pandora box… I never have enough time to complete all the projects and ideas I have in mind, I don’t know if it was a good idea!
Needle felting is simple. You need to poke a special needle in wool roving until it takes the desired form. While poking the wool, the fibers are mixing together and are forming a solid mass. It’s easy to add layers of wool to change the form or to add color areas. It’s pretty much like making plasticine with wool. But be careful! Those needles are very sharp and should not be used by young children (you can trust my fingers testimony)!
My first creation
I made this fox using the kit I bought on Web’s website. I really enjoyed this kit that comes with detailed instructions, way too much wool (it says you can make to foxes but I could have made four) and mostly all the required tools. The only thing I had to find was a block of styrofoam.
When the fox was done, I made this deer for Robert who’s going hunting soon. He wants to place it on the mirror of the car. It’s the first time that he is so thrilled by my little animals creation!