I’ll be giving birth to a bran new baby boy in just a week or two. I talked about him everywhere but not here, because I was too busy trying to release as many patterns as possible, while being overtired from pregnancy and from dealing with my never-sleeping toddler who nursed ever 30-60 minutes all day and all night until 21 months… then just all day, but without really learning to sleep (we’re working on it and doing good progress now that she’s 28 months old). She’s absolutely the best, and if Baby#2 could be as wonderful as her I’ll be over the moon, but I do hope he’ll be sleeping a little bit better!
So here we go with the little personal story 🙂 It took us just shy of 3 years to conceive our little Miss É, as I have a condition called antiphosfolipid syndrome (APS) that is causing blood clots, and therefore, miscarriages. I’m one of the “lucky” ones who “only” had (several) miscarriages and no other blood clots, and I do hope that it will stay that way (no more miscarriages, please, but no blood clots either!) We were about to start IVF procedures when I’ve been diagnosed, and just a few weeks later, I naturally became pregnant with her. As I knew what to do then, she survived. I immediately started having daily/twice-daily self-injections of anticoagulants and it saved her, and she is now a strong, healthy, brilliant, funny girl, and also the love of my life. I’ll be forever grateful for living in this era of modern medicine.
Baby boy has been conceived in only one “risky” night 😉 We were settled on having two kiddos, so even if the news have been extremely surprising and the timing might not have been the one we would have choose (we were hoping for a few good nights of sleep before going back to the newborn life!), we are extremely happy to have had a very, very easy journey this time. After thinking again, the timing is amazing because they’ll be quite close in age, and we might be aging a little bit faster right now, but it’s for a good cause. I doubt that we’ll have more kids after this one, as we are now feeling too old for that, with my husband being almost 40, me being in my well-advanced 30s and both of us feeling 100 years old. It makes me a little sad, but I’ll have an amazing girl, a boy that I can’t wait to meet, and they make me feel like the luckiest person in the world. (And if I ever need more babies, I’ll adopt more puppies!)
So I have no idea when I’ll write again, as I plan to neglect my blog again for the months to come! You will find me on Instagram and on Ravelry as often as I can, and if you need help with a pattern, my email address is written at the bottom of each of them so feel free to reach out to me! I might not reply right away, but I promise I’ll be back to you at some point.
Lots of love to my knitting community that I know I will miss during the next few months!
Gabrielle xo