So I took a week off from work, with the firm intention of working on my patterns full time during one week just to give a try at my dream job. It was a delicious idea. Sadly, I have no willpower, not even when the idea pleases me more than anything else. Am I the only one with this problem? People keep telling me that being a freelancer means I should be extra disciplined but I am the worst at it. I tend to contradict every single thing I say (forget what I just said, that’s not true). I have no problem with authority in general but I absolutely refuse to obey to myself.
So I took a week off from work and did nothing else than cleaning the whole appartment. Yes, it took seven whole days, minus a trip to IKEA, a yoga lesson and one evening with friends. Yes it was THAT messy. But now it’s WONDERFUL! We decided we didn’t need a guestroom anymore so we found some space to store the bed. Then I cleaned what was in that room, meaning all the things we didn’t want in our way during the last few years: a broken vacuum cleaner, a coin sorter, all my paycheck stubs since 2004… Then we moved everything that was in my previous crafting room to the old guest & mess room and finally Robert took my old room to make a neat classroom for his students. (Note that I say “we” but the other half of “we” didn’t spent his whole spring break cleaning, he’s not crazy like that.) So what was the point in spending all my precious vacation days to move the craft room to what is actually a smaller room? This small room is the sunniest. Maybe it’s the neverending winter or maybe it’s my immune system who prays for more vitamins. Anyway I feel like I finally got the sunny cocoon I’ve been looking for for years.
Take a look! I feel so lucky đ
- Laine et chaise super comfortable! (Et un petit chat-lampe sur la table…)
- FenĂȘtre ensoleillĂ©e
- Machine Ă coudre et tout ce qu’il faut pour rouler les balles de laine!
The Comments
I love it! I think I need to come visit so we can knit. Will Zora play with my yarn?
LayliThank you!!! Zora will play with your yarn with pleasure and you won’t even have to ask her!